Across the English countryside, a decades-old mystery
refuses to die. Are crop circles highly complex messages from the outer limits
or a man-made hoax of profound proportions?
In 1978, a crop circle first appeared on a farm in England's West
Country. Since then crop circles have appeared with larger frequency and
complexity. Today on Far Future Horizons we present another exciting episode of the acclaimed National Geographic
documentary series Is it Real? - Crop
This episode reveals some of the theories that
explains their existence, and provides a behind the scenes look at some of the
film footage of ball of light that appear to make these crop circles. A group
of artist called the 'Circle Makers', are also tasked to create a crop circle
within 5 hours.
This episode of Is It Real?, is also available from
Amazon Books’ Instant video.
Is It Real? - Crop Circles
Obviously fads catch on and just like any other fad copy caters come from far and wide trying to out do the last reported circle. Its pretty amazing what a few people can do with just some rope and 2×4's durring the span of one night!!