Our universe. It’s awe-inspiring, and baffling. From colossal explosions of stars, to the strange movements of tiny particles, each new discovery seems to uncover a new layer of mystery. Our understanding of the world around us has taken us from the Stone Age to the Silicon Age. Now, ironclad laws of physics are breaking apart. What we believe of reality may not be real at all. The future of humanity depends on our discovering how the universe really works. ~ Morgan Freeman, Through the Wormhole, How Does the Universe Work?
Since the ancient Greeks first speculated that everything they observed in reality was the result of the interaction of tiny particles they called atoms, great thinkers have tried to find a single mathematical formula that governs and explains the workings of the entire universe. So far, though, even minds as brilliant as physicists Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking have been unable to come up with that single grand equation of everything, also known as the theory of everything, or the final theory. Nevertheless, they continue to try, because without that final piece of the puzzle that is reality, the sum total of what we know falls a bit short of making sense.
Today on Far Future Horizons we join host Morgan Freeman on a quest to answer the question – How does the Universe work?